Specialization in the Agri-Food Sector
Laboratori Cat Gairin, S.L., was founded in 1996, and is currently specialized in analytical techniques in the agri-food sector, with technical capacity to provide physical-chemical and microbiological analysis services for food and water.

Food Sector
Analysis of sausage and cheese coatings
It is also the first Spanish laboratory to offer ENAC-accredited microbiological tests for the analysis of edible cheese rinds and polymeric coatings on cheese and sausage rinds. It performs microbiological and physical-chemical control, as well as internal and export control.

Cheese coating
Expiration and shelf life studies of food products
Another of Laboratori Cat Gairin’s relevant services are shelf life and expiry studies, which provide the necessary information to establish shelf life and conservation criteria, in order to comply with the requirements of current legislation and avoid possible undesirable health effects.
Gluten, allergen and transgenic analysis
Thanks to its extensive experience, Laboratori Cat Gairin is qualified in the detection of chemical and microbiological components that can alter and put at risk the quality and safety of food and, therefore, of health. Performs analysis of allergens and substances causing food intolerances, applying the Royal Decree 126/2015 and EU Regulation 1169/2011 for the information to people in relation to allergenic substances. It is also able to detect and quantify different types of transgenic substances in food.

Food labeling
Evolution dnota
During these last years, dnota has incorporated to the project companies from the Air Quality sector (Exteco and SIRSA), as well as companies from the Water Quality and Noise sector (Cavendish Laboratories, Litoral Consult and Hydraena) and this year 2021 has incorporated two laboratories, ACCA Laboratories in Almeria and Microbial in Girona, starting its activity in the Food Quality Sector. With the acquisition of Laboratorios Cat Gairin, dnota strengthens its position in the Food Control Sector and its geographical position in Catalonia.
Food Supplements
It is the only Spanish laboratory to offer ENAC accredited tests for food supplements. This service is aimed at companies that manufacture food supplements for human and animal consumption, and work with Laboratori Cat Gairin for their quality controls, specifically for raw materials, final product, internal controls and export. Also in nutritional composition and labeling, as well as in bacteriological, allergen and shelf life control.

Food supplement.
Cat Gairin Laboratory is authorized by the Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya. Registration no. LSAA-099-96.
Cat Gairin Laboratory is recognized by the Departament d’agricultura, ramaderia, pesca, alimentació i medi natural, Generalitat de Catalunya. Registry of Private Laboratories of Catalonia No. 330
It has the Certificate according to the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 Standard, DEKRA Certification. Certificate No. 91210751/1.
It is accredited according to the UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, ENAC (National Accreditation Entity), for the testing of agri-food products. Accreditation 883/LE1653.
Analysis of clostridium cotulinum in canned foods
Laboratori Cat Gairin also performs analysis of Clostridium Botulinum in canned food, essential for compliance with current quality standards.

Canned food
Analysis for EU and third country exports
Laboratori Cat Gairin also specializes in analyses to meet export requirements within the European Union and to third countries such as Asia, the Middle East, the United States and Latin America.

Food exports