dnota has been a beneficiary of the Industrial Doctorates grant of the 2020 call articulated by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The R&D project to be carried out within the framework of the PhD is the “Investigation and assessment of the effects of global change on river ecosystems…”.
The proposal presented will be developed in the Aquatic Ecology Area from where dnota offers all the technical assistance and consultancy services necessary to comply with the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. In this sense, it has accredited laboratories (according to UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standard) and highly qualified technical personnel to carry out the evaluation of the Chemical State and Ecological State by means of biological, hydromorphological, chemical and physical-chemical indicators.
The project aims to bring together different approaches to the study of a river basin in order to carry out an integrated management of the basin without neglecting the reality of each of the sections studied and the organisms that inhabit them.
The project aims to bring together different approaches to the study of a river basin in order to carry out an integrated management of the basin without neglecting the reality of each of the sections studied and the organisms that inhabit them.
The project will be developed over the next four years and will include a doctoral thesis by the new researcher of the Aquatic Ecology team. To this end, dnota will collaborate with the Departments of Zoology and Ecology of the University of Granada to which the two researchers who will be the directors of the doctoral thesis belong.
The development of this project will provide a series of important benefits of application in the evaluation of water bodies, through the use of certain particularities of macroinvertebrates as indicators of global change.