Strategic Noise Map
The City Government has awarded a contract to the company dnotathe technical assistance service contract for the revision and updating of the Ceuta Strategic Noise Map and its Action Planas well as for the technical advice and study for the determination and declaration of the Special Noise Protection Zones (ZPAE) and preparation of a proposal for the corresponding Zonal Action Plans.

About the city of Ceuta
In the case of the city of Ceuta, leisure activities also have special characteristics, including the concentration of premises in areas where cumulative effects are produced, especially due to the transit and/or permanence of people (agglomerations).
These are noise sources whose acoustic modeling is somewhat more complicated, both because of the difficulty of spatially locating the sources and predicting their emission power and behavior.
To this end, the MER of Ceuta, in the analysis and evaluation of possible effects, considers carrying out sound level measurement campaigns, whose design has been based on the selection of representative points of the activity of the City, through the identification of sensitive enclaves (health and educational centers, social facilities, etc.), covering foreseeable situations in relation to the main sources of noise identified (road traffic, port, industrial and commercial activity, heliport, etc.) and other locations proposed by citizen entities.
Ceuta Action Plan
The Action Plan foresees three blocks of measures: Evaluation and Follow-up Actions; Legislative and Administrative Actions; and Executive Actions.
As Evaluation and Monitoring actions, it is planned to update the noise maps of the City and the preparation of specific maps in the enclaves that are identified as the target of protective or corrective actions in acoustic matters.
The process of updating the Strategic Noise Map, will analyze and review the noise legislation and establish requirements for updating the SRMIn addition, it will review and update the acoustic zoning of the City of Ceuta, as well as the development of the acoustic map in accordance with Directive 49/2002/CE, of June 25, of the European Parliament, so that after the adaptation to a geographic information system (GIS) it will be possible to predict the evolution of urban noise.
Field work will also be carried out in the conditions that will allow adjusting and validating the simulation model and generating the database that will be used to update the acoustic map. For this purpose, a sampling plan will be previously carried out in order to perform sound level measurements at significant points in the City and to represent the noise levels of the City as established in the applicable regulations.

About dnota
dnota has extensive experience in providing cities with a series of services aimed at controlling noise pollution, as well as consulting services for corrective measures. It also has continuous measurement systems to monitor noise and vibration.