Last March 2013, Certio Environment was awarded the Service, tendered by the Ente Público empresarial Augas de Galicia, Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras de la Xunta de Galiciafor the “Exploitation of the Control Network of Prepotables, Control Network of Fish Tracts, Res Ospar and Network of Small Reservoirs of the Hydrographic Basins of Galicia – Coast”.

The tender awarded is co-financed by the European Union and amounts to €1,108,973.91. The duration of the work is 2 years, although an extension for the same period is foreseen.

The contract was signed on June 14 and work will begin this month.

This work is in addition to others related to water quality control in other geographical areas, being this award one of the most important that Certio Medio Ambiente has achieved in recent years.

Certio Medio Ambiente’s business strategy is focused on increasing the portfolio of recurring work, both in the public and private sectors.

The contract signed with Augas de Galicia is an example of this effort made by the company.