Last October, dnota Medio Ambiente carried out control and monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in the facilities of the CEIP JABALCÓN school.
It is a line 1 center, which has a Specific Classroom, a Therapeutic Pedagogy Classroom, a Hearing and Language Classroom and, as a novelty, an ASD Classroom. It has a directly managed dining room, Morning Classroom and Extracurricular Activities.
CEIP JABALCÓN has been an ICT Center since the 2004/05 school year and a Peace Space School. In addition, since the 2017/18 academic year, it has been developing its own project: “Jabalcón + saludable” (Jabalcón + healthy).
The School Center, as an additional preventive health measure, adopted the SARS-CoV-2 presence control in its facilities, in order to offer a higher level of prevention, protection and health safety. To this end, it contracted a campaign for SARS-CoV-2 Control and Monitoring at its premises, which dnota has been offering since last May.
The control consisted of the prior preparation of a Sampling Plan, adapted to the Center, in which the critical and most representative points of the facilities were determined. At these points, 5 SURFACES and 2 INDOOR AIR points, samples were taken in accordance with the corresponding protocols and by dnota’s qualified technical specialists.
The school has reinforced its anti-COVID19 protocol during the last few months with this plan to detect the presence of the virus in its facilities. The samples taken on SURFACES and INDOOR AIR were subsequently analyzed with PCR technology in dnota’s laboratories. The main objective of the action was to protect their students, teachers and the rest of the school environment.

Indoor air sampling was carried out in accordance with the Methodology for Sampling Highly Pathogenic Microorganisms in Environmental Matrices of the National Center for Environmental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. They were carried out with high-tech portable equipment, and with high pathogen uptake filters, with a virus collection efficiency with retention rates up to 99.76%. This technology was used in the city of Wuhan for INDOOR AIR control.
The sampling carried out in INDOOR AIR, defines dnota as an innovative company capable of providing a service that integrates the 3 parameters in which the contagion can be transmitted, such as AIR, WATER and SURFACES,
unique service in the market
In the dnota laboratory, the measurement technique recommended by WHO, RT PCR, with high sensitivity (detects low concentrations of the virus) and specificity (effectively differentiates SARS-CoV-2 from other similar coronavirus species), was used in the 8 samples received.
dnota plans to continue to support the control of SARS-CoV-2 in the Education Sector, with the intention of reducing infections among the population.