We are very excited to launch our first corporate video. It will be an audiovisual tool that will allow us to spread our philosophy. Our mission is to generate commitment with all our customers and collaborators.

The video is aimed at our customers, suppliers and collaborators. The intention is to increase the number of customers of our products and services.

In addition, we want to position the dnota brand, within the air quality monitoring business.

Main objective of the video

This corporate video gives us the opportunity to raise awareness and capture our audience, generating a commitment to air quality, which will make each person who sees it identify with us and prefer it over our competitors. The key for this type of resource to be successful is to use it as a commercial tool and direct it to all our clients and collaborators, as another tool.

The video is available in Spanish and English. We also have a version in each language with subtitles. The video will be available on our website, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. All four versions of the video will only be available on Youtube.

Read our news about the launch of our new website last March 15

About dnota…

dnota is a company that focuses its strategy on pollution control at all levels. It represents the leading manufacturers of pollution measuring equipment for more than 20 years. dnota works in air quality control through a traditional service combined with the most advanced products and services.

With its new slogan “dnota controls the quality of the air you breathe“, we intend to address the entire population and raise awareness in the control of the quality of the air we breathe in all types of spaces, such as a hospital, a school, as well as any type of industry or city.

Air pollution is not good for our health and dnota’s products and services are also aimed at Smart Cities through the control, maintenance and management of air quality networks.

The manufacturers that dnota represents from the more traditional business are Thermo Scientific, Digitel and Synspec and also highlight the bettair IoT sensors, with a smart technology that allows mapping and measuring air pollution.

Visit our website or our ecommerce platform for more information.